Don't know who I am? The name's Zote. ZOTE THE MIGHTY! I defeated those fools in the colosseum, made my way through the dangers of Hallownest, and all on my own without a single scratch. Now, you may be wondering "Zote, how are you so brave and strong?" And to that let's take a look at The 57 precepts of Zote!
Precept One: 'Always Win Your Battles'.
Precept Two: 'Never Let Them Laugh at You'.
Precept Three: 'Always Be Rested'.
Precept Four: 'Forget Your Past'.
Precept Five: 'Strength Beats Strength'.
Precept Six: 'Choose Your Own Fate'.
Precept Seven: 'Mourn Not the Dead'.
Precept Eight: 'Travel Alone'.
Precept Nine: 'Keep Your Home Tidy'.
Precept Ten: 'Keep Your Weapon Sharp'.
Precept Eleven: 'Mothers Will Always Betray You'.
Precept Twelve: 'Keep Your Cloak Dry'.
Precept Thirteen: 'Never Be Afraid'.
Precept Fourteen: 'Respect Your Superiors'.
Precept Fifteen: 'One Foe, One Blow'.
Precept Sixteen: 'Don't Hesitate'.
Precept Seventeen: 'Believe In Your Strength'.
Precept Eighteen: 'Seek Truth in the Darkness'.
Precept Nineteen: 'If You Try, Succeed'.
Precept Twenty: 'Speak Only the Truth'.
Precept Twenty-One: 'Be Aware of Your Surroundings'.
Precept Twenty-Two: 'Abandon the Nest'.
Precept Twenty-Three: 'Identify the Foe's Weak Point'.
Precept Twenty-Four: 'Strike the Foe's Weak Point'.
Precept Twenty-Five: 'Protect Your Own Weak Point'.
That's all of the precepts I have for you tonight. Tomorrow let's continue The 57 precepts of Zote, along with other surprises coming your way! Goodnight Zotelings.
-Zote the mighty.